Challonge Tournament Round 1 complete!

Well, round 1 is complete!

Overall the games looked to be fairly balanced; there were a lot of 2-1 match results and only a couple of clean wins.

There was only one match that had to be awarded a win due to player inactivity, which is a shame but at least it wasn’t more! 48 hrs to take a turn is also quite a short timescale if you have something come up, but anything longer would cause the tournament to drag on for too long, so that’s how it has to be!

A couple of match reports from the first round:

DoctorMike (vs BuzzBuzz)

“BuzzBuzz whisked in an early, unexpected challenge; I’d originally been pencilled in to play Templarkun. It was a deck of the day and Buzz’s first turn knocked out 3/4 of my stack. Where did that come from? A rapid few turns – while I should have been doing work email – and I was one down. There’s an advantage to going first!

If I wasn’t going to be 2 for 0, I was going to have to use the defeated player advantage in choosing decks. So, I went for the well known, really balanced (i.e. few surprises) Basic pack. This served me well, and we were 1-1, despite my entire stack being face up for half the game; oh for a LeaderBot… 

I had a chance, but again it would be BuzzBuzz playing first and choosing decks. This works well to allow “comeback time” (to coin a phrase). Buzz started well, but I held back some cards in the early game. I’m glad I did, because there were a few surprises in uncovered top cards. Thankfully, these weren’t all bad, and after a much closer game, which might have gone either way, I just pulled off the win. 2-1 in my favour!

There’s always an element if luck in this game, but it’s what you do with them that really counts. Buzz showed that powerfully in the first game. Maybe I had a similar “tail wind” in the third. An excellent first round that could have gone either way. Anyone playing BuzzBuzz in future rounds better watch out!”

Seven9zero (vs Oli)

“I was robbed!”

This match-up was clearly very traumatising as this was the most detail offered on the result. I can only imagine the terror experienced as his last card was forcibly taken from him. Seeing as Grappling Bot is the only Bot capable of stealing cards, they are currently the focus of the investigation, but they are complaining that this is unfair profiling. We’ll keep you updated. In the meanwhile, if anyone witnessed anything could they please report it and hopefully we’ll be able to get Seven9zero’s card back.


We carry on now to round 2! For those who were victorious in the first round, it’s time to increase the lead; for those who lost, it’s not too late! You just have to score enough points to be in the top 4 to make it into the final knockout rounds!


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